Solutions that Powering your Business

Expertise in Sitecore

Digicore Soft Solutions

Digicore provide global innovative technology services specializing in the full range of Sitecore and Salesforce products. Our experts can customize and support the full suite of the platforms required.

High Performance

Build your dream Business platform with High Performance digital transformation solutions


Our company assures better company culture for employees make better decisions.

Global Service

Offering consulting, BPM, information technology, and digital transformation solutions.


Experience the future of business with our highly professional company Experts


We work cooperatively and confidently. Our commitment to greatness is best achieved together.


Our company’s success stems from collaboration with our clients and customers

What we offer

Solutions that Powering your Business

We are specialized in custom software development & services for digital transformation of websites along with quality software solutions tailored to our customers’ specific needs.

Sitecore Development

Sitecore Custom software development & service company delivering high quality customized software solutions for the digital website.

Digital Experience

Digital experience management helps business manage content, multiple channels, and align digital assets in a row.

Marketing Technology

Digicore Marketing Technology practice digital marketing services via multiple platforms for enterprise level sophistication.

CX Strategy

Customer experience (CX) strategy to the make holistic perception of the experience of customers with your brand.

Managed Services

Digicore help businesses monitor and maintain their Sitecore ecosystem, content , digital platforms.

Auditing and Consulting

Improve or enhance digital platforms and technology and their infrastructure, review existing technologies


Experience the Expertise

A global company providing innovative technology solutions, we are positioned to deliver the best results for our clients and their customers.

Hodnotenie online kasín na Slovensku s dobrou povesťou medzi hráčmi

Rozvoj sveta hazardných hier na Slovensku je dnes nevyhnutne spojený s rastúcim počtom herných stránok, ktoré svojim hráčom poskytujú rôzne podmienky. Pravidelní hráči si môžu doslova každý mesiac všimnúť, že sa objavujú noví prevádzkovatelia, ktorí svojim používateľom ponúkajú jedinečné príležitosti. Takéto príležitosti sa môžu značne líšiť, od lepších herných podmienok až po štedrejšie bonusové ponuky.

Skutočná situácia sa často môže líšiť od toho, čo ste počuli a čo vám bolo sľúbené. To je možné ľahko zistiť aj jednoduchou analýzou počtu stránok, ktoré zanikli len niekoľko mesiacov po otvorení.

Pre používateľa nie je tento trend veľmi príjemný, pretože keď vidí hlasné slogany, môže čoskoro prísť o svoje peniaze alebo o celú sumu z dôvodu zatvorenia online kasína. V takomto prípade je rozumné prijať opatrenia na ochranu pred možnou stratou osobných prostriedkov vopred. Toto je opatrenie, ktoré možno nazvať kontrolou najlepších online kasín na Slovensku na a jeho povesti.


Committed to our customers


Client Relationships


Repeat Business Rate


years Industry Experience


Global Locations



The people who have trusted us
